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They're married. Jody Abrahams as Lionel and Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice in Arendsvlei.

They’re married. Jody Abrahams as Lionel and Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice in Arendsvlei.

  • Wedding bells rang for Janice (Crystal-Donna Roberts) and Lionel (Jody Abrahams) on the kykNET&Kie soapie, Arendsvlei.
  • The wedding was filmed over two days at a wedding venue outside Stellenbosch and had a bohemian theme.
  • Janice’s whimsical dress was from the Oranjezicht market in Cape Town, and actor Jody Abrahams used his own motorcycle in some scenes.

Janice (Crystal-Donna Roberts) and Lionel (Jody Abrahams) tied the knot in a romantic surprise wedding on the kykNET & Kie soapie, Arendsvlei.

The couple’s road to the altar wasn’t smooth sailing. First loves, who both got married to someone else, rekindled their relationship while they were both married. With this rocky start to their new relationship, the pair faced ups and downs. Janice initially turned down Lionel’s proposal but soon realised that he was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. After they made up, Janice decided to plan a surprise wedding that only this couple could pull off.

The wedding was filmed over two days at a wedding venue outside Stellenbosch, the same venue used for Lee-Roy (Roberto Kyle) and Wesley’s (Craig Adriaanse) wedding. It was an outdoor wedding this time around as the theme was bohemian.

“We got Janice’s dress from the Oranjezicht market in Cape Town. It was super organic and flowy, perfect for her body and the theme,” says Tarryn Josephs, publicity manager of Arendsvlei.

About the dress, Roberts said: “I loved the wedding dress. What I love about it is the whimsy of it and the fact that it does lend itself to that sort of fairytale whimsy. Coincidently I looked quite similar at my own wedding, which is cool. I also had the flower crown and put extensions in to have the long hair.”

Fun Fact: Abrahams used his own motorcycle for the bike scenes in the episodes.


Lionel (Jody Abrahams) arrives at his surprise wed

Lionel (Jody Abrahams) arrives at his surprise wedding ceremony.

The blushing bride, Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janic

The blushing bride, Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice.

I Do! Jody Abrahams as Lionel, Royston Stoffels as

I Do! Jody Abrahams as Lionel, Royston Stoffels as the reverend, and Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice.

The happy couple! Jody Abrahams as Lionel and Crys

The happy couple! Jody Abrahams as Lionel and Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice.

Jody Abrahams as Lionel, Vinette Ebrahim as Aunty

Jody Abrahams as Lionel, Vinette Ebrahim as Aunty Poppie, and Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice.

A father and son moment. Roberto Kyle as Lee-Roy a

A father and son moment. Roberto Kyle as Lee-Roy and Jody Abrahams as Lionel.

Vinette Ebrahim as Aunty Poppie and Crystal-Donna

Vinette Ebrahim as Aunty Poppie and Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice.

Roberto Kyle as Lee-Roy, Jody Abrahams as Lionel,

Roberto Kyle as Lee-Roy, Jody Abrahams as Lionel, Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice and Craig Adriaanse as Wesley.

Yusuf Abrahams as Thabied Janice's stepdad, Natali

Yusuf Abrahams as Thabied Janice’s stepdad, Natalia da Rocha as Zuleika Janice’s mom and Megan Saayman as her sister Ayesha.

Craig Adriaanse as Wesley, Roberto Kyle as Lee-Roy

Craig Adriaanse as Wesley, Roberto Kyle as Lee-Roy, Melanie du Bois as Ronel and Maria Valente de Almeida as Samantha.

The beautiful decor at the bohemian themed wedding

The beautiful decor at the bohemian themed wedding.

The beautiful decor at the bohemian themed wedding

The beautiful decor at the bohemian themed wedding.

Actor, Jody Abrahams used his own motorcycle.

Actor, Jody Abrahams used his own motorcycle.

Off into the sunset! Jody Abrahams as Lionel and C

Off into the sunset! Jody Abrahams as Lionel and Crystal-Donna Roberts as Janice.

Arendsvlei airs Monday to Thursday at 19:30 on kykNET & kie (DStv 145).

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